How good nutrition can help you to reach your fitness goals

What difference can nutrition make?

Regardless of having lucky genes, combined with a perfect exercise routine, if your nutrition intake is not in line with your needs, the outcome is unlikely an ideal combination. When you exercise you burn energy. When you burn energy, you need to replace it with good kinds of nutrition to ensure that your body keeps performing at its best.

What you need to create a healthy balance


  • I can’t emphasize enough how important proper hydration is. Not only vital during and after your workout, but also to your everyday, energetic life. Make sure your daily water intake is at least 2 liters, but possibly even more.
  • Keep a reusable bottle at hand all day to ensure that you can sip through the day. Smaller amounts more often are much better than a few big drinks.
  • Hydration during exercise is increasingly important because while you move through your routine you lose fluids through sweating and heavy breathing.
  • Proper water intake moderates your heart rate and also regulates your body temperature. I always recommend spicing the water up a bit if you don’t enjoy drinking plain water. And add a few slices of fresh fruit, or even healthy herbs to make it taste better.


A protein-rich diet helps not only to provide rich nutrition to your body but also to fuel your muscles, build new muscle fibers and repair your muscle tissues too. Proteins also support faster muscle recovery between training sessions. Recommended protein-rich food:

  • Organic, free-range eggs
  • Lean beef
  • Organic chicken
  • Fresh pork
  • Fish (smaller size fish such as mackerel, shrimp or farmed salmon are the best to avoid or reduce Mercury content)
  • Quinoa
  • Greek yogurt
  • Almonds
  • Broccoli
  • Cottage cheese
  • Swiss cheese


In a previous post, I wrote about carbohydrates and how important is to actually consume them. Carbohydrates are a good source of energy and have a significant role in weight loss too.  There are good and bad kinds of carbohydrates and of course, I suggest to go for healthy  naturally occurring carbohydrates such as various vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, legumes, and seeds. After a good hour of heavy exercise when you feel hungry and ready to rummage through the fridge or your cupboard, ensure you don’t default to eating bad carbs such as white sugar, white bread, white rice or pasta. It is best to not even keep those in your home. If you focus on nutrition, your choices will improve organically.


Just as with the carbohydrates, the fats also belong to two categories: the good fats and the bad ones. The bad fats, also called trans fats are usually the outcome of a process when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil to solidify it at room temperature. These processed fats contain harmful ingredients, especially when heated up. Make sure you avoid consuming margarine, canola oil, sunflower oil, and soybean oil.

Good fats are saturated fats and can be found naturally in fatty fish, coconut oil and butter, olive oil, avocado and avocado oil, ghee, raw nuts and nut oils, and in various meats.



Taking vitamins isn’t an excuse for eating junk, but a busy and demanding lifestyle where food might not have a primary focus, vitamins can help to support a healthier way of living. Taking vitamins that are recommended by your Naturopath, Herbalist or GP can provide energy supply and support to your body with the right amounts of vitamins and minerals that you may be missing out on.

All in all, what you eat is what you are. Sounds a bit cheesy but fits the topic. Eat well and you will feel well. If you ensure that you get a nutrient-rich diet, or if needed, you supplement it, add in regular workouts and the outcome is a healthy routine. As usual, if you are ready for a change but not sure where to start, feel free to contact me.